Anti-money laundering (AML) refers to a set of procedures, laws or regulations designed to stop the practice of generating income through illegal action.Further, AML refers to the mechanisms which require financial and other regulated institutions to prevent, detect and report money laundering activities. These regulations
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Why do remittance companies require customer’s information?
Every customer sending or receiving money through a remittance service provider is required to provide basic information about him/herself before the funds are released. You may be wondering why this is so.
The provision of customer information not only benefits the customer, but also

Remittances: Important to the Pursuit of Education
Twenty-one-year-old Michelle Wallace has, for more than a decade, depended on remittances from abroad to assist her and her 14 year-old sister to finance their education. On September of each year, she receives money from her parents, who live in the United States of
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Caribbean Remitters Face major “De-Risking” Challenges
Across the Caribbean Region, in Latin America, and in many other small states around the world, the banking relationship of remittance service providers are being restricted; or, in some cases, terminated. This multi-national commercial banking stance is, therefore, having a negative impact on the welfare
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Remittances: A Blessing to Families At Christmas
A Blessing to Families At Christmas
Lorine Matthis, a 27-year-old mother of two, is grateful for the remittances her husband sends back at Christmas, because without it her annual Christmas dinner would not take place.
“The Christmas money is normally more and so I am

Savings and Investment through Remittances
There is a close relationship between savings, investment and economic growth. Having a large pool of savings can provide capital to fund investment into potential business ventures to spur economic growth.
A 2013 study from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) reveals that although remittance inflows

Money Transfer and the Elderly
Quite often, children are informed from an early age that they will need to be the ‘old age pension’ for their parents. True to prediction, many persons rely on their children and other relatives at times, for financial support in their ‘mature years’. These
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Mobile Money – Re-Engineering the Way Persons Access Remittances
A recent Bank of Jamaica (BOJ) Remittance Report indicated an inflow in 2014 of 2.15 billion United States dollars*. With majority of these funds flowing through remittance companies, consumers are looking for faster, safer and more convenient options to access their funds. This
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